Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

#KindnessMatters PCC supports Mental Health Awareness Week

20th May 2020

In support of Mental Health Awareness Week and the #KindnessMatters message, Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said: “Mental Health is extremely important which is already recognised as a priority in my Police and Crime Plan for West Yorkshire, and an area of focus that has taken on even more importance due to current circumstances.

“A number of outcomes have been established through coordinated work and investment which range from increasing partnership working and information sharing through my West Yorkshire Criminal Justice and Mental Health Forum, to working with the police and health services to prevent police custody being used a place of safety for anyone experiencing a mental health issue, helping to fund and embed the use of mental health nurses in police control rooms, to procuring services to help in the rehabilitation of offenders through improved mental health support.

“My Safer Communities Fund has given out over £680,000 to 140 projects across West Yorkshire helping to address various mental health issues. I have also provided investment for training and awareness raising with a specific focus on improving the referral pathways for victims of crime to enable them to get the service that is right for them as quickly as possible sometimes in traumatic situations.

“We’ve all faced unprecedented disruption to our way of life where the things we took for granted like shopping, seeing friends and family, can now be causes of stress and anxiety. In the overall response to the COVID19 impact it’s been really heartening to see how people and communities have pulled together and the simple acts of kindness that have made all the difference. However, what it’s highlighted is that there’s never been a more crucial time for us to support each other and raise awareness and talk more openly about mental health generally.

“This year, Mental Health Awareness Week has a specific focus on ‘Kindness Matters’. There have been some very high profile stories in the news over the last few months of the very tragic consequences of what can happen when we’re not kind to each other. This message is a timely reminder of the power we all have to make a positive difference in being kind.

“It’s ok not to feel ok, and I would always urge anyone that’s having a tough time to speak to someone about it, whether that’s one of the many charities and voluntary organisations, a family member, friend, or a health care professional...whatever someone feels comfortable with. That being said I know it’s not always that easy and that’s why we all have a role in looking out for loved ones, colleagues and members of our communities.

“So be kind, don’t be too hard on yourself and let’s do all we can to promote Mental Health Awareness Week and throughout the year in our daily lives.”

“Best wishes and stay safe.”


Mental health resources

The NHS have a list of mental health helplines and websites visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines or call 111

The NHS have also created an Every Mind Matters page which contains information on mental health specifically relating to coronavirus and staying home visit https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters

The Government have released mental health support and advice, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-advice-to-support-mental-health-during-coronavirus-outbreak?utm_source=6030a355-bc47-42d5-acc5-8499a6f38573&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate

Andy Mans Club https://www.facebook.com/andysmanclub/

The Mental Health Foundation https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Mind have created a page full of useful tips to stay positive which can be found here https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/

The Hub of Hope helps you to find local support organisations. Enter your postcode to find the nearest support options for any mental health issue from depression, anxiety to PTSD, suicidal thoughts, as well as a ‘talk now’ button connecting to the Samaritans, visit https://hubofhope.co.uk