Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Your Voice

In this section you can see the results of public consultations.


Your Views Survey

The Your Views survey was launched in June 2017 and replaced the Public Perception Survey which had run for a number of years before. The survey helps us keep in touch with communities across West Yorkshire about the community safety issues which matter to them. It is based on a questionnaire which collects residents’ views and opinions on safety issues in their neighbourhoods, and how they feel the police and community safety partners are working to tackle them.

Previously, the survey was mailed to a random selection of homes each month, but it was suspended during the past year due to the Covid pandemic. However, it is now being run once more. The findings of the survey are shared with our partners in local authorities and the police, to help them understand how effectively residents feel they are working to support communities.

For the first time, we are making the survey open to all West Yorkshire residents to take online.

You can take the survey at: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/YV2021

The closing date for responses is Wednesday 24th March 2021.

Thank-you for your time; your feedback is really important to us.



Previous Consultations

Funding Our Police

Ahead of setting the budget for 2018/19, Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner ran a public consultation to gather views on an increase in the policing element of the council tax. 


Police Contact Survey

In December 2016 Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner launched a consultation with Dee Collins, West Yorkshire Police's Chief Constable on how the public contact West Yorkshire Police.

The consultation consisted of a short survey and included questions on what contact methods people are aware of, what are the preferred contact methods, and for what reasons do people contact West Yorkshire Police.

The aim of the survey was to learn more about how and why you would contact your police, whether you have visited your local police station or other public enquiry counters recently and to establish whether you know about the many new ways of contacting the police that are available.

The survey closed on 19 January 2017 with 2,783 responses.


Community Conversation Consultation

During 2014/15 the Police and Crime Commissioner undertook a period of public consultation and engagement, a 'community conversation'. This included conversations out and about in communities and a web chat but also an online questionnaire that asked the following questions:

  • How well do people get on in your local community?
  • What do you consider the main threats faced by communities across England and Wales?
  • What are the three issues relating to road safety that cause you the most concern/matter to you the most?
  • Have you or a member of your family ever been a victim of cyber crime? If so, what happened?
  • How can victims and witnesses be better supported?
  • What is your experience of your local Police Community Support Officers?
  • How can we open up opportunities for young people around education, employment and training?
  • How much extra people would be prepared to pay for policing next year?

A link to the online survey was sent to all those who have contacted the OPCC or was accessed through the PCC website which was publicised through the press and on social media. 1,854 responses were received and are set out in the below report. Due to the method of collecting responses the views presented in this report are not representative of everyone's views but will provide a flavour of the issues and concerns people have within our communities here in West Yorkshire.