Commissioning Principles
The PCC will ensure that:
- Outcomes for users will be at the heart of the strategic commissioning process, which will be community and victim focussed.
- All commissioning will be in support of the Police and Crime Plan outcomes which will be clear and measurable.
- We will understand the needs and priorities of our communities, now and in the future and clearly specify our requirements.
- Commissioning needs will be evidence based.
- Wherever possible commissioning will be undertaken on a West Yorkshire wide basis.
- All services procured must represent value for money.
- Furthering equality and diversity will be a key focus of the commissioning process.
- Wherever appropriate multi-year contracts will be awarded.
- The commissioning process will support local regeneration where possible.
- The commissioning process will champion social values.
- We will measure whether or not outcomes have been delivered and hold our providers to account seeking feedback from service users, communities and providers, in order to review the effectiveness of the commissioning process in meeting local needs.