Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Arrests in Modern Day Slavery Operation

7 June 2019

A man and two women were arrested by the Force's Modern Slavery Team during an operation in the Liverpool area on Thursday.

Officers, who were supported by colleagues from Merseyside Police, raided two properties as part of an investigation into organised crime and the unlawful trafficking of females into the UK for the for the purpose of sexual exploitation for financial gain.

A man aged 34 and two women aged 32 and 31 were arrested on suspicion of Arranging or facilitating people trafficking for sexual exploitation and controlling prostitution. All three suspects have been bailed.

Detective Inspector Rob Howarth from the Force Modern Slavery Team said:

"This operation was conducted in partnership with Merseyside Police and we are working with them and other partner agencies to disrupt this criminal trade and to provide help and support to victims of modern day slavery and human trafficking.

"This is a crime that often 'hides in plain sight'. It could be happening in your workplace or on your street.

"We are working with partner agencies to disrupt this criminal trade and also to provide help and support to victims of modern day slavery and human trafficking.

"If you suspect it is happening in your area call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121700 or www.modernslaveryhelpline.org."

Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said:

"I welcome this operation which really demonstrates the impact strong partnerships can have and I'd like to thank officers from West Yorkshire and Merseyside for their hard work so far.

"I would echo the call for members of the public to report any suspicions, by doing so you could literally be saving victims from abhorrent abuses.

"We will continue to work together to tackle this horrendous crime, bringing perpetrators to justice and supporting vulnerable victims."