Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

National Volunteers Week – A big thank you to all those who volunteer for West Yorkshire Police

Monday 1st June, 2020

West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner would like to say a big thank you to all the people who give up their time to volunteer for the force.

Volunteers across West Yorkshire Police include Special Constabulary, Police Cadets, Police Support Volunteers and 999 Community Volunteers, and they are being celebrated as part of National Volunteers Week and National Specials Weekend 1-7 June.

During the Covid19 crisis, our Special Constabulary which is made up of volunteers have racked up 35,073 hours since lockdown began.

Some of those volunteers have given up more of their time as their full time jobs have closed during the crisis.

There are currently 290 Specials plus 15 Specials in training, 179 Police Support Volunteers, 80 ‘999 Community volunteers’ and 328 Police Cadets across West Yorkshire Police.

Assistant Chief Constable Angela Williams, said: “Special Constables and volunteers are a vital part of the police service and help prevent and investigate crime, as well as helping to reduce disorder and antisocial behaviour.

“Specials have the same powers as police officers, regularly go out on patrols and help protect the communities we serve – they are invaluable.

“We immensely respect and appreciate all those who volunteer and give up their time to help us protect our communities, especially during this pandemic.

“National Volunteers week is the perfect opportunity to recognise the hard work they do, and to hopefully inspire other members of our communities to volunteer for us.

"We will be highlighting the great work of our volunteers all week on our twitter accounts @WestYorksPolice and @WYP_Specials.”


Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said: “First and foremost, a massive thank you to all of our volunteers for the commitment, dedication and selflessness they have shown especially in these most difficult and uncertain of times.

“I know many of them have been working long hours along with juggling other commitments, missing loved ones, friends, holidays and significant events, with a clear focus throughout to help and support our communities in West Yorkshire.

“I will be joining West Yorkshire Police to show our joint support for all of our volunteers throughout the week and I hope the public join in as much as possible too in recognising their contributions. Specifically within my own office we also have many volunteers who are part of my Youth Advisory Group and the Independent Custody Visitors scheme, as well as working with a whole host of voluntary sector partner organisations who do fantastic community safety work across West Yorkshire. It’s very much appreciated so a big thank you to all of them too.”

Special Constable Andrew Taylor has volunteered for the Force for over 35 years, joining the Special Constabulary in 1984. In that time, he has been promoted to a Special Constabulary Section Officer and now oversees Calderdale’s Cadets.

SC Taylor said: “My motivation for remaining as a Special Constable over all these years is still to offer my time and commitment, but also to meet the community and engage with them, every day is a different day and a different problem - well nearly!

“My drive and passion is always to help other people whilst maintaining and upholding the law.

“My most recent Commendation from my Chief Superintendent was for implementing and overseeing the Force Cadet and to ‘have created a lasting legacy across the district which will remain for many years.’

“As we all know we are in uncertain times, which has seen the country go into lockdown. My company who I work for has furloughed me which has then allowed me as a Special Constable to work full time shifts with the team and really try to make a difference.”

National Volunteers week runs from June 1 to June 5 then National Specials weekend June 6 and June 7.

For more information about the Special Constabulary and to find out how to apply, please visit www.westyorkshire.police.uk/jobs-volunteer