Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Ongoing Surge to Tackle Serious and Violent Crime

12 July 2019

An ongoing surge to tackle serious and violent crime has seen more than 400 arrests across West Yorkshire.

Operation Jemlock has been running since April after Temporary Chief Constable John Robins, QPM met the Home Secretary the previous month.

Police forces including West Yorkshire were given greater stop and search powers to tackle the threat of knife crime as well as additional funding. West Yorkshire received £4.02m

#OpJemlock involves officers carrying out proactive, high visibility patrols in key crime areas.

Teams have also carried out reactive work according to demand and intelligence.

Between 1 April 2019 and 10 July 2019 410 arrests have been made and 41 weapons seized.

Arrests have been made on suspicion of a range of offences, including:

  • Violent crime offences - 100 arrests
  • Drugs offences - 51 arrests
  • Weapons offences - 39 arrests
  • Public order offences - 25 arrests
  • Robbery offences - 31 offences
  • In addition, 417 stop and searches have been carried out and 585 pieces of intelligence submitted.

Chief Inspector Damon Solley of the Violent Crime Reduction Team, said:

"#OpJemlock is making a real difference to the communities we serve on the ground.

"By being out on patrol officers are providing a reassuring presence in the community and making criminals think twice before they commit violent crime."

Examples of work carried out by #OpJemlock:

Wednesday 5 June - whilst patrolling Bradford city-centre at 915pm #OpJemlock staff attended the scene of an ongoing robbery. The officers were able to locate two suspects nearby. Suspected stolen property (an Armani watch and Iphone) worth approximately £1200 was recovered and two 16-year-old males arrested and subsequently charged with robbery

Wednesday 26 June - Jemlock staff spotted a white Mercedes van suspected of being on false registration plates and linked to a series of burglaries in the Leeds area. After a pursuit a male made off. Officers arrested a male shortly afterwards. A 17-year-old has been charged with nine offences including possession of a bladed article, robbery and burglary.

On Saturday (6 July) #OpJemlock officers witnessed an ongoing robbery at an ATM on Kirkgate, Leeds at 1030pm. After a short chase officers arrested two males on suspicion of robbery. Two males aged 16 and 20yrs have since been charged and remanded in custody.

Chief Inspector Solley added: "It is work like this that helps to make a real difference to the communities of West Yorkshire.

"This is an ongoing operation and people can expect to see more of us."

Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said: "Tackling serious violence and crime is a key focus for West Yorkshire Police and myself, also requiring an ever increasing fully joined up partnership approach.

"On the one hand is the need for more early intervention and crime prevention initiatives to provide positive alternatives for people who are more vulnerable to being drawn into a world of violence and serious crime due to a number of factors. We have many such projects on-going and being planned across West Yorkshire and this week I also held a regional conference with the Home Office in Leeds to share knowledge across the county and look for long term solutions.

"However, the other side of the coin is that robust law enforcement in the here and now is also incredibly important and something which the public expect and I fully support. This operation has so far achieved some impressive results with some additional resources which is good to see and hope provides some extra reassurance to our communities. My thanks and appreciation to all the hardworking officers and staff involved so far which will be ongoing and intelligence led."