Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

PCC Response to Latest ONS Crime Statistics for West Yorkshire

25 Apr 2019

In response to the  latest Office of National Statistics crime figures, West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Mark Burns-Williamson said:

"It is encouraging to see that there has been notable reductions, particularly around vehicle crime and burglary across West Yorkshire in these latest figures.

"I am under no illusion, however, that knife and violent crime remains an issue at the forefront of people's minds and is one that we must continue to tackle in close partnership.

"The possession of weapons remains a concerning trend both locally and nationally and I have been in close liaison with the Home Office and the Chief Officer Team about the work being undertaken to address this, ensuring any additional resources are targeted to have the biggest impact.

"The sustained improved recording practices that are now in place across West Yorkshire mean we are getting a clearer indication of the problems and where it is occurring.

"In recent weeks, I have personally raised the need for a joined up whole system approach at a knife crime summit with the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and others in Downing St.

"Likewise, through my office, we are orchestrating the distribution of over £1.1m from the Early Intervention Youth Fund to a number of collaborative and innovative projects in the county with a range of community safety partners.

"In addition, West Yorkshire Police has just been allocated a further £3m from the Home Office that will help to bolster the immediate operational response to violent crime.

"However, there are clear overlaps with early intervention and prevention activity that will ultimately help impact upon crime rates and help to support victims which is what we will be working hard to achieve."