Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Three West Yorkshire Police Officers recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours

10 June 2019

A British Empire Medal and two Queen's Police Medals are awarded to West Yorkshire Police Officers in the Queen's Birthday Honours, for services to policing.

Temporary Chief Constable John Robins is awarded the Queen's Police Medal, as is PC Firzana (Fiz) Ahmed. Temporary Detective Inspector Hayley Nortcliffe is awarded the British Empire Medal.

T/CC Robins, who joined West Yorkshire Police as a Constable in 1990 and has been Temporary Chief Constable since December 2018, said

"I am absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service.

Unusually for senior leaders in policing, I have completed all of my service in one force area, here in West Yorkshire Police. I am incredibly proud of the fact that I have continuously served the communities of West Yorkshire for nearly 30 years.

I feel very humbled and privileged to receive such an honour. "

PC Fiz Ahmed, who also joined in 1990, has served in Leeds and Bradford. She is currently based in Bradford, where she is highly respected for her work with communities.

PC Ahmed, who is noted as trailblazer for Asian women in policing and an equality champion, both inside and outside the organisation, said

"West Yorkshire and Bradford in particular is such a wonderful place to work. I thoroughly enjoy being a police officer, helping and supporting others and I am honored to have been recognised in this way".

Temporary Detective Inspector Hayley Nortcliffe, who works in the Kirklees Safeguarding Unit, has been awarded a British Empire Medal.

Hayley was nominated for her outstanding work and dedication into a large scale CSE investigation in Kirklees.

She said: "I am delighted and humbled to be recognised with such a prestigious honour. I'm extremely proud of the work that my team and I have undertaken over the past few years and that we have been able to secure justice for these victims."

TCC Robins said of PC Ahmed

"I am so very pleased for Fiz to have received the Queens Police Medal for Distinguished Service, she is the one of the most worthy recipients of a QPM that I have ever seen. Fiz is so respected and loved by both the communities of Bradford and her colleagues in West Yorkshire Police.

Fiz is not only an exceptionally talented police officer, but she is an outstanding role model. Over the last thirty years working in communities of Bradford, I believe that Fiz has changed the lives and aspirations of countless women and girls. Her influence and impact has been inspirational and should not be underestimated.

Fiz thoroughly deserves this honour and this recognition for all that she has achieved in policing and in her life."

TCC Robins said of TDI Hayley Nortcliffe

"Hayley is an outstanding investigator and I am so proud that she has been awarded the British Empire Medal for Services to Policing.

Hayley is an experienced Detective who has led many complex and complicated investigations into the sexual abuse of young people. She has enabled victims and witnesses to come forward with confidence and she has supported them through the investigation and prosecution process.

When dealing with non-recent investigations, her skills of victim care combined with a relentless pursuit to bring perpetrators to justice are what make Hayley so deserving of the British Empire Medal."

Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) said: "I am delighted for John, Fiz and Hayley, who are very worthy recipients of this recognition. It is testament to West Yorkshire Police that we have three officers receiving such honours and I want to warmly congratulate them all.

"I have known John for a number of years and he is clearly very passionate about what he does and has worked tirelessly for West Yorkshire Police. He has a wealth of experience from serving our communities in a varied and successful career in the county which has so far spanned nearly 30 years.

"Fiz and Hayley have also made significant contributions in helping to keep our communities safe, including championing equality and bringing some of the most appalling offenders to justice. They continue to make a real difference and I am delighted to be the PCC in an area with such dedicated and hardworking staff."