Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

West Yorkshire’s PCC statement following New Zealand Terror Attack

15 March 2019

Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said: "Firstly and most importantly, my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this senseless act in New Zealand.

"I want to reassure anyone concerned locally that West Yorkshire Police have stepped up patrols around places of worship and are increasing engagement with communities of all faiths. Support can also be sought from Victim Support or Stop Hate UK.

"Communities should continue to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity, behaviour or concerns to the police. Information can be passed via www.gov.uk/ACT or 0800 789321 but in an emergency always dial 999.

"I stand together with the people of New Zealand and our communities here in West Yorkshire against extremism in all its forms."