Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner's statement on crime statistics released by the Office for National Statistics

18th July 2019

The statistics show an increase of just over 11.6 per cent in total crime across West Yorkshire when compared to the same period last year, with some crime categories such as burglary showing small reductions.

Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), said: "Whilst it's uncomfortable to see any increased risk of being a victim of crime in West Yorkshire, the trend does generally match the experience nationally which tells a story around the pressures and continued underfunding of policing.

"The recent report by the HMICFRS independent inspectors praised the Force as 'Outstanding' for the way it records crime which means that when the crime statistics are published for the county they are an accurate reflection, when compared to many of our comparator forces who have been graded as inadequate or requires improvement.

"Today's crime data release from the ONS confirms that the rate of increase in crime in West Yorkshire has been stable over the past year, and close to that of the average increase seen nationwide.

"I regularly meet with the Chief Constable to explore the further measures which can be considered and put in place to both prevent and address the issues emerging from crime patterns and trends, which are continually monitored by my office.

"We know that Violent Crime and the Use of Weapons remain key priorities locally and again mirror what is being witnessed up and down the country. The data shows rises in violence against the person and violence with injury, and although some of that could be down to improved recording, it is a situation we are closely monitoring with West Yorkshire Police and our partners.

"Robust enforcement will always play an important role in confronting such activity and my office is working with a range of partners to implement prevention and early intervention initiatives, including a Violence Reduction Unit, ensuring we are providing positive alternatives to people who are vulnerable to being drawn into a world of violence and serious crime which we know can end with devastating consequences for individuals, families and communities.

"We also have projects being delivered district wide through the Early Intervention Youth Fund monies and my Safer Communities Fund which sees money confiscated from criminals (Proceeds of Crime) to support local groups and organisations with grassroots initiatives.

"It has to be stressed, however, is that the continued lack of sustained Government funding is compounding the problems and making it ever more difficult to meet demand and effectively reduce crime for policing, our partners and ultimately our communities.

"Resources are having to be carefully managed to focus on areas of greatest risk or harm to the public.

"I will continue to fight for a fairer deal from Government when it comes to funding for West Yorkshire."