Work to keep communities safe and feeling safe is outlined in the latest Police and Crime Plan from West Yorkshire’s PCC
29th January 2021
A continued commitment to protect victims and witnesses, safeguard children and young people, tackle serious violence and meet the changing needs of communities are highlighted in the latest version of the Plan.
Released this week, it shows the work being done by the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), West Yorkshire Police and many community safety partners, to ensure communities are safe.
Refreshes to the Plan include updating priorities to reflect new approaches and challenges to tackling crime in West Yorkshire.
This includes emphasising the importance of safeguarding work, recognising the challenges and a continued priority of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, citing ‘Serious Violence’ as a standalone priority for the first time, recognising the vital work undertaken by the now established West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) and building community resilience to help counter terrorism.
Mr Burns-Williamson, said: “At the heart of this refreshed Police and Crime Plan is our ambition to work together with the police and partners, and with our communities, to help achieve our shared vision of ‘keeping West Yorkshire safe and feeling safe’.
“Community safety is everyone’s business and this Police and Crime Plan cannot be delivered by the OPCC or the police alone. I will be working closely with the Chief Constable and West Yorkshire Police to help deliver against this plan, but also working to continue to bring partners together to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, protect those who are vulnerable, divert people away from the criminal justice system wherever possible, and provide the support victims and witnesses need and deserve.
“The PCC function is due to transfer into a new West Yorkshire Mayoral office this year and the Plan will help to enable a smooth transition. It acts as the blueprint to ensure we at the OPCC are working closely with all partners, to help our communities feel safe, and enables vital work to continue while the Mayoral model is established and continues to develop.”
Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, John Robins, said: “The refreshed Police and Crime Plan reaffirms that Neighbourhood Policing is at the heart of what we do – and the continued support of the public of West Yorkshire and partners enables us to do this effectively.
“This plan clearly sets out our vision to keep West Yorkshire safe by reducing crime, protecting vulnerable people and reassuring the public, by providing a victim focused and responsive service”
Mr Burns-Williamson added: “The Plan has been updated throughout to reflect the much changed position in 2020, and shows our collective progress and achievements during the past four years which are numerous.
“They include the launch of the first ever Victims and Witnesses Strategy ‘Supporting People Harmed by Crime’, working with NHS and police partners to deliver West Yorkshire’s new Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and ensuring that around £3.4m of Proceeds of Crime monies has been awarded to more than 750 groups throughout West Yorkshire as part of my Safer Communities Fund (SCF) commitment when I was first elected.
“The Violence Reduction Unit is now well established and into its second year, with its unique public health led approach it has begun to help turn the tide on violent crime and its drivers.
“Starting from the principle that prevention is better than the cure, it brings together specialists from health, police, local authorities, education, youth justice, prisons, probation, community organisations and others, looking at early intervention, prevention, education and partnership working, to tackle the root underlying causes of violent crime.
“None of the above would have been possible without close collaborative working with the police and our many partners that has defined my time as PCC. I am proud that we have all been able to successfully work together to support our communities and help them feel safe and I’m confident this latest plan will continue that journey through the challenging times that we are currently living in.”
To view the plan visit
Police and Crime Plan Documents
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