Local Victim Services Funding 2021/22
On 1 February 2021 Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced additional one-year funding to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse (DA) and sexual violence (SV).
This guidance covers the uplift funding for SV and DA services, as well as the National ISVA and IDVA fund. The additional funding will be distributed via Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). Link to the Government press release ‘Extra £40m to help victims during pandemic and beyond’: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/extra-40m-to-help-victims-during-pandemic-and-beyond
The national breakdown in the allocation of this funding is as follows:
- Sexual Violence £4.625m
- Domestic Abuse £8.95m
- National ISVA and IDVA Fund £16m
There will also be an additional £1.5m available through a ‘critical support fund’. Further details on how to access this fund will be provided to PCCs shortly, but applications will not open until after the SV and DA allocations have been finalised.
The deadline for both elements of funding below is 12noon Friday 26th February 2021.
Guidance and instructions for submission can be found below for each fund.
Funding Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Support Services
West Yorkshire PCC has been allocated a total of £350,748 uplift for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services as follows; Domestic Abuse Support allocated Uplift: £212,895 Sexual Violence Support allocated Uplift: £137,853
Please read the guidance fully before completing the needs assessment
Funding for Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors
The MoJ IS providing an additional £12m funding for ISVAs and IDVAs this financial year. This funding will be for two years until end March 2023. The MoJ will also be extending the existing £4m ISVA funding for a further year until end March 2023. This brings the full national ISVA and IDVA Fund to £16m.
PCCs can access this additional £12m funding through a joint EOI process for ISVAs and IDVAs, outlining requirements and evidence of need. We are inviting providers to complete the EOI for their service needs to include in the West Yorkshire EOI to the MoJ.