Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Modern slavery and human trafficking is a significant threat within West Yorkshire and the UK. It has a traumatic impact on its victims, whilst those involved often have links to other serious organised crime. West Yorkshire has already led the way nationally in tackling modern slavery and human trafficking, and I have set up a West Yorkshire Anti-Slavery Partnership and the National Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Network to help partners and fellow PCCs combat this problem. I will continue to coordinate efforts against this crime by making sure we understand the scale and nature of the threat, and resourcing the police and partners appropriately.

Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Priority Plan

So that we can all understand more about what we are doing together and want to do together to deliver on our priority areas of work we have developed our 'Priority Plans'.

These plans will be refreshed and renewed and are work in progress but we will report on our delivery against these Priority Plans in public facing Community Outcomes Meetings.

We want to demonstrate the difference we are making in our communities but we also want to know what else we could be doing to keep people in West Yorkshire safe and feeling safe.

If you have a positive contribution to make to our Priority Plans please contact the office.