Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire | WYPCC

Audit of Accounts - Public Rights

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The Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire and the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police


Audit of Accounts 2019/20
Notice of Public Inspection of Accounts and Exercise of Rights of Electors


Notice of the Commencement of the period for the exercise of Public Rights
The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) Amendments Regulations 2020 (SI 2020/404)

Notice is hereby given under the above regulations that the unaudited statement of accounts which, may be subject to change for the year ended 31 March 2020, will be published on this website.

To give local authorities more flexibility, the requirement for the public inspection period to include the first 10 working days of June has been removed. Instead, local authorities must start the public inspection period on or before the first working day of September 2020. This means that accounts that must be confirmed by the responsible finance officer (RFO) must be published by 31st August 2020 at the latest.

Notice is hereby given that from 21st July and 31st August 2020 (inclusive) any interested party will have the opportunity to inspect the draft Statement of Accounts for 2019/20 of the Police and Crime Commissioner Group for West Yorkshire and/or the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts and other documents relating to them.

The inspection would usually be undertaken between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday at Wakefield One, Burton Street, Wakefield, WF1 2DD. However, due to the recent pandemic, alternative arrangements have been made. Therefore, If you wish to inspect the accounts applications should be made initially to the Treasurer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire (tel: 01924-294000)

A local government elector for the area, or any representative of the elector, has the opportunity to question the auditor about the accounting records. An elector also has the right to make an objection to the auditor where there are concerns on matters in respect of which the auditor could make a public interest report, or where the auditor could apply for a declaration that an item of account is contrary to law.

If you want to ask questions, or object to the accounts, you can contact the Grant Thornton UK LLP, 110 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AY.This must be in writing, and clearly set out the grounds on which you are objecting. You must also send a copy to the Treasurer or Assistant Chief Officer, at the addresses below. The rights to question and object must be exercised within the period of 30 working days referred to above.

Copies of the statement of the accounts will be available on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website: www.westyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk and the Force’s website: www.westyorkshire.police.uk.

Ms Katherine Johnson, Treasurer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire, Ploughland House, 62 George Street, Wakefield, WF1 1DL.

Mr Nigel Brook, Assistant Chief Officer, Business Operations, West Yorkshire Police. PO Box 9, Laburnum Road, Wakefield, WF1 3QP

Date: 21st July 2020