Information for providers funded by the PCC amid the COVID19 outbreak
During these exceptional and challenging times we want to share our reassurance with providers commissioned by the PCC and how we can support funded providers during this time.
Read Our pledge for West Yorkshire OPCC funded services (PDF 286KB)
To achieve the Police and Crime Commissioners priorities and outcomes in our Police and Crime Plan, we commission a number of different providers to help with the delivery of services, which will benefit the communities of West Yorkshire, reduce crime and help victims to cope and recover from the harm they have suffered. It is through a combination of partnership working and working with West Yorkshire Police that the Plan will be delivered, and ensure that the communities of West Yorkshire are safe and feel safe.
What is commissioning?
Commissioning is the way we plan, buy, deliver and evaluate services for the communities of West Yorkshire. Commissioning includes;
- Commissioning new services.
- Re-commissioning a successful service.
- Varying a commissioned service to respond to changing need or resources or legislation.
- Decommissioning a service that is no longer required or where the provider has failed to comply with requirements.
Our commissioning Principles
The following principles will be applied to the commissioning process within West Yorkshire. The principles set out how the PCC will manage our process either as a single commissioner of goods and services, or in any collaborative or joint arrangements with partners.
View the Commissioning Principles
Our Commissioning Strategy 2018-2021
Our Commissioning Strategy sets out the principles and framework we use to ensure that all commissioning decisions are undertaken openly and transparently, and are informed and supported by evidence. All our decisions are published on our website on the Decision Making pages.
The role of the third sector (voluntary, community, faith-based and social enterprise organisations) is very important in our local communities and the PCC values the role they play. Wherever possible the PCC wants to ensure that this potential is maximised by supporting the third sector as much as possible to develop solutions in line with the Police and Crime Plan.
Commissioning Corner e-newsletter
Our Commissioning Process and De-commissioning
In order to be fair, transparent and consistent, all commissioning and grant funding activity will follow our agreed commissioning or de-commissioning processes. This will ensure that that any investment is in line with the Police and Crime plan and needs analysis, and is aligned to strategic commissioning intentions.